Taking Care of Your Health | Information for Young People | °×½ãͼ¿â


While you are here we will help take care of your health and make sure you are safe. We encourage you to do exercise, enjoy a healthy diet, and support you to deal with difficult feelings.

You can talk to our nurse if you are not feeling well or are worried about anything. She will make appointments with doctors, dentists and opticians for you if you want.

The nurse will meet you when you first arrive (within 72 hours) to ask how you are feeling and check your overall health. This includes asking about any medication you may be taking.

You will also meet with a psychologist. They will talk to you about how you are feeling and if you’re feeling sad, angry, or scared they will support you to feel better. This might be through talking about your feelings, or maybe through things like art or drama. They will see what is best for you.  

Both the nurse and psychologist will be there for your health needs. There will be a plan in place to help keep you safe, help you manage difficult situations or feelings, and help you to move on when you are ready.

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